RX-271..The restoration.

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7/1971 "T"Dash Mazda RX2 Coupe.. Getting it home.
This is how i bought the car, driving it home was great, id never driven an RX2 before let alone an RX2 coupe! It was still running the twin dizzy 12a, but it still went quite well. I was getting alot of looks on the way home, not unusual for such a rare car..I picked it up for five grand with 12 months rego, not too bad i suppose..I did manage to sell off around eight hundred dollars worth of parts from the car that didnt meet the standard i was chasing.[click on photo page for up to date build up photos]
Years too long!
Building a car over 4 years has its disadvantages, not long after buying the car we pulled out the 12a an slotted in a 13b with Webber, the power change was great, but as time went on the decison was made to go all original, that ment buying back the old 12a off a friend.

RX-271.The story in brief.
Before i start i should point out that RX-271 are the plates ive had on hold at the RTA for 3 years, there white on black.(perfect for the original look!)When i bought the car it had been flared front an rear, the front was a simple fix, just get new gaurds! But the rear was beyond repair, it was going to need new quarters an after just one phone call to a major shop in queensland a new pair were found! "theres just a couple of dings in them" he said..more like 25+ on each side!! Not bad for thirteen hundred dollars delivered!..you prick P**** ! Anyway i needed them so i just had to live with it. I also scored left an right doorskins new from mazwreck in revesby for two hundred dollars each (bargin!) Anyway the car is coming along nicely now, so much effort has gone into this car its not funny, you could say i picked the wrong car to start with, but its too late to back out now,i just have to look foward to the day i can say, well its finished, im going for a drive!!Now go check out my photo page to see what im talking about.

[Above]The "t"dash i was talking about. 5277 Interior
To the left is the series one "T"dash, it didnt come on every series one, just a limited run to oz, and only on the coupes.This model also had the door locks at the front of the doors instead of at the rear. On the outside the front appron has smaller air vent cutouts, Australian models had larger cutouts to suit the hotter climate. Im just glad mine did come with the smaller cutouts because i think they look alot neater. Aside from that i dont think there are any other differences. Correct me if im wrong!
Interior revamp.
One thing im thankfull for is the uncracked dash, i reckon its saved me about two hundred bucks! The rest of the dash has been detailed up, even the orange on the clock and the original radio needle has been freshend up! The door trims are pretty shot, they will be remade by Restoradash in revesby to original. I have seen a RX2 sedan(RE12 plates)with the best after market carpet i have ever seen(7piece).At seven hundred dollars it isnt cheap, but you get what you pay for..The seats are good enough to be put back in as they are. An yes, that steering wheel has been binned for a standard item.